Who is

We’re a small business located in the Twin Cities, MN area, dedicated to improving your PC setup. We offer services and service packages designed to meet a variety of computer-related needs, including custom-built PCs, troubleshooting, diagnosis & repair, hardware upgrades, tech lessons and walkthroughs, and more.

About Us

We want to help you meet your technology goals.

Roxolotl Technology is run by queer couple Reilly and Alyssea in the Twin Cities, MN area with the mission to supercharge your PC setup. Our goal is for everyone to feel welcome in the tech space and empowered to meet their technology goals, from beginners to enthusiasts. We believe in quality work, respect for privacy and security, a love of learning, and the power of technology to change our lives.

We're motivated by:

Love of Learning

Respect for All

The Power of Technology




Roxolotl Technology



Tech is for everyone

We believe in an inclusive tech space where everyone feels comfortable to learn. We do not tolerate discrimination, bullying, or making fun of equipment/skill level.

Privacy & Security

We believe your data is yours. We help you keep it that way with options to encrypt, back up, and protect your data from failures, thefts, and hacks. ​

Learning & Empowerment

We hope everyone leaves having learned something new. ​

Waste Reduction

We reduce waste by offering pre-owned, tested components when available. ​​

Open-source friendly

We offer open-source software options whenever possible, including installations and support for many Linux distributions.

Custom is better

Custom set-ups and service bundles are tailored for you and your needs, helping you get the most from your set-up and your budget. ​

Get in Touch With Us

Let Us Know How We Can Help.

Book a Free Consultation



Call or text:



66 Broklyn Street, New York

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